Our hair is our best accessory. It can make or break our look. Hair has been associated with beauty and power. That is why a bad hair day brings our spirits down. A hair cut or a different hairstyle can greatly alter the way we look. A simple thing like wearing your hair differently can give you the appeal of a makeover. You feel more confident.

Hair is thus a very important aspect of our personality. It also expresses how the person is feeling. If your hair is tied back or if you let it loose, these actions convey different meanings. It has symbolic properties. It is object that conveys established order or a refusal to follow that order. Thus it is a horrible feeling to have to lose your hair, be it due to some genetic or medical condition or due to any other reasons.

So to escape this feeling, the easy alternative is wigs.

When there are so many options available, the choice becomes difficult. Therefore one must choose a wig after careful consideration and thought. Keep in mind the following:

Purpose: What is your purpose of using a wig? Be clear, is it for fashion, a performance or a clinical condition?

Budget: How much are we looking to spend?

Some types of wigs require more care than others; will you be able to provide the high maintenance some of the wigs require?

Maintaining a wig properly enhances its life span. This can be achieved by using specific products developed for proper keeping of wigs and hair pieces

Before purchasing a wig find out if it can be exposed to heat i.e. whether it can be curled or styled. Most wigs suffer a disastrous effect when exposed to heat.

The most important factor is to feel comfortable, confident and to enjoy this experience!